重大体育赛事,important sport events英语短句,例句大全

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  重大体育赛事,important sport events

  1)important sport events重大体育赛事

  1.Consideration on important sport events gymnasium layout planning;重大体育赛事场馆布局规划思考

  2.By means of documentation, dialogue and logical analysis, the authors study the operation risk of important sport events.运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、逻辑分析法等方法对重大体育赛事的运作存在的风险进行了研究。

  1.On the Risk and Risk Identification of Major Sports Events;对我国重大体育赛事风险识别的初探

  2.Analysis of the Promotion of Sports Competitiveness on the Host City Holding Comprehensive Sports Events析举办重大体育赛事对城市体育事业竞争力的提升作用

  3.Analysis on the Promotion Effect of Holding Comprehensive Competitive Sports Meetings to the Host City s Sports Career Competitiveness;浅析举办重大体育赛事对城市体育事业竞争力的提升作用

  4.Research on Mechanism for the Management of Voluntary Service in the Urban Mega-Sport Events;城市重大体育赛事志愿服务管理机制研究

  5.Operation of some important competitive sports events held in Shanghai,Beijing and Guangzhou;对沪、京、穗部分重大体育赛事运作的研究

  6.Research on China s Service Guarantee for Major Sports Competitions;关于我国重大体育赛事服务保障的研究

  7.Operation Rlsk Analysls of Important Competitlve Sport Events;重大体育赛事风险特点与风险管理初探

  8.On the Quantifying Evaluation System of Media Communication Effects in Major Sporting Events如何构建重大体育赛事媒介传播效果的量化评价指标体系

  9.The Positive Impact of Holding Comprehensive Sports Events on the Construction of Harmonious Society;举办重大体育赛事对建设和谐社会理想范式的积极影响

  10.Exploitation of global big sport event TV broadcast right;全球性重大体育赛事电视转播权开发状况的解析与思考大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!

  11.A Study on the Value of the Major World Sports Events;对当今国际性重大体育赛事的价值认识及其发展趋势的研究

  12.A Research on the Problems and Defects in the Management Mechanism of Voluntary Service in City Major Sport Events城市重大体育赛事志愿服务管理机制中的问题研究

  13.Big Sports Events and Development of New Town Construction:Study on Guangzhou Asian Games Village Construction重大体育赛事与新城建设发展——广州亚运村建设研究

  14.Research on Holding Large-scale International Sports Event and Basic Tactics;申办重大国际体育赛事及基本策略的研究

  15.Fundamental Requirements for Holding Major International Single-Event Sports Competitions举办重大国际单项体育赛事的基础性条件

  16.Successfully holding comprehensive sports events will exert a great influence on the development of the host city.大型体育赛事的成功举办会对举办城市的发展产生重大影响。

  17.Measures against Emergencies in Time of Large-scale Competitions in Beijing;北京大型体育赛事突发事件应急处理

  18.On the Development of Major Sports Event Market in Shanghai;上海市大型体育赛事市场的开发——以上海市第十三届运动会为重点

  comprehensive sports events重大体育赛事

  1.The research indicated: to hold comprehensive sports events not only can stimulate the development of city s economy and cultural construction,enhances the city s material and spiritual civilization level,moreover also can strengthen the government the administrative ability and the social cohesive force,improve moral prevailing custom,raises the city politics civilized level.研究表明,重大体育赛事的举办不仅能够推动城市经济的快速发展和文化建设,提高城市的物质文明水平及精神文明水平,而且还能增强政府的行政能力和社会凝聚力,改善社会风气,提高城市政治文明水平。大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!

  3)major international single-event sports competitions重大国际单项体育赛事

  4)city major sport event城市重大体育赛事

  1.The city major sport events have become an important tool to enhance a city's comprehensive competence.运用文献分析、典型案例、个案访谈等方法对我国城市重大体育赛事志愿服务管理现状进行了探讨,对我国城市重大体育赛事志愿服务管理机制目前存在的弊端和问题进行了研究,并提出一些针对性建议。

  5)major sport events大型体育赛事

  1.From the angles of the concept and characteristics of major sport events, the article elaborates on the relationship between the major sport events and the different disciplines and analyzes the principle, classification and content of the discipline assessment on the basis of the status quo of discipline assessment at home and abroad.从大型体育赛事的概念、特点入手,阐述了大型体育赛事与项目的关系,又在概括项目评价的国内外现状的基础上,分析了项目评价的原则、分类、内容,进而构建了体育赛事项目评价的指标体系,把它分为五大类:政策因素评价、社会环境评价、经济效益评价、自然与生态环境分析评价、自然资源及其他因素影响的分析评价。

  6)big sports event大型体育赛事

  1.Problems faced by public security for big sports events in China and their response mechanisms;我国大型体育赛事公共安全面临的问题及应对机制

  2.Negative effects of big sports events on tourism;大型体育赛事的负面旅游效应

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